
Solstice Celebration with Chakradance

“You are more than just your physical body. You are the power centre of different kinds of energy." - Natalie Southgate

Date: Tuesday 20th June @ 18:30 EEST

Location: The Beach, Larnaca District - exact location to be announced

Let’s celebrate the Summer Solstice, the arrival of Summer, the longest day of the year by dancing our own solar energy! 

In a magical sense, Summer Solstice brings us to the halfway point of the Wheel of the Year. The sun is in full reign, reaching a peak in the sky and shedding beams of light. It ‘stands still’ and its brilliance allows us to see things clearly, banishing shadows and burning all that does not serve us from the past. Are you allowing your own beaming powerful light to shine brightly its brilliance?

The sun is a warming entity, so it fires our passions and heats up our hearts to the potential of life that abounds. Are you allowing your passion, desire and sensuality to burn more intensely within the hearts of humanity?

Interestingly, herbs are at their most potent state during this time. And it is the time to gather and dry the herbs for use during the rest of the year. It marks the transition from cultivation to harvest. What have you cultivated and are now ready to harvest and enjoy?

It’s time to celebrate the shift of the seasons, the harvest and life’s potential and abundance. Dance is a way of celebrating, it allows you to let go and feel free to celebrate life. Today people around the world still celebrate the arrival of summer with outdoor feasts, singing, dancing, and bonfires.

And where Best to do all this… on the beach by the sea close to sunset time … so that we can immerse into nature and absorb it all!

Chakradance will guide you to enter into a journey of spontaneous dance, music pulsing to the energy of your solar plexus, guided imagery, spontaneous mandala art drawing and meditation. We dance with our eyes closed or a lowered gaze and you can dance like no one is watching! This is an re-energizing dance that will reconnect you to your own POWER and FREEDOM! 

– Please be on site few minutes before 6.30pm
– Wear comfortable clothes and if possible have a touch of yellow (to represent the sun)
– Bring lots of water and if possible a torch just in case
– Bring a cushion
Please bring an offering to place on the altar like flowers, a plant,
seeds, fruit, crystals, stones, chocolate or nuts anything symbolic even something that you harvested from your own garden
– Bring some snacks / nibbles / drink to share afterwards .. we will make it a complete celebration together

Pre-booking is required as space is limited. 

Fee for this event: Eur 12.00 per person

I attended several times the Chakradance including the solstice celebration with the amazing Mentor Catherine. I really enjoy Chakradance because it’s full of positive vibes and energy it’s cleanses the negativity and it opens the way to connect with our Higher Self. I feel lighter, happier and more open to the Divine Blessings. Catherine is a pure soul and she spreads the love and positive energy through her facilitation of the dance. She is simply awesome and a very Spiritual awakened Being. It’s an honour for me and I am grateful to be a part of her life. I feel blessed when I join Chakradance with Catherine, not just, but also any kind of mentoring by Catherine.

Georgia Demetriou, Property Management Administrator

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