self awareness

Mindfulness at the Workplace

“Stress reduction and mindfulness not just make us happier and healthier, they are a proven competitive advantage for any business that wants one.” - Arianna Huffington

Did you know?

Apple, IBM, Intel, General Electric, General Mills, Google, Aetna, Ford, IKEA, eBay, Linkedin and the U.S. Marines have mindfulness programmes / projects for their employees. 

“A wide range of major UK organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors have introduced mindfulness projects within the past few years including a number of NHS trusts, the Department of Health, civil service departments, BT, Unilever, Barclays, Capital One, Starcom MediaVest Group and Goldman Sachs. Sally Boyle, HR Director at Goldman Sachs maintains that, “In years to come we’ll be talking about mindfulness as we talk about exercise now”.  (

How can Mindfulness help your organisation?

If you are encountering these problems, then mindfulness programmes are certainly something you need to consider:

• Employee burnout / stress
• Low performance
• Goals not being achieved / Deadlines not met
• Team conflict
• Lack of communication / conflicts
• Lack of focus / concentration
• Lack of creativity
• Lack of employee engagement
• Cultural differences
• Transforms negativity
• High employee turnover
• Added stress that ‘Covid 19’ has brought with it

Benefits of Mindfulness at the Workplace

key benefits

Mindfulness will help your employees in the following way:

  • Reduces anxiety and feel less stressed

  • Employees feel calmer amidst stressful situations

  • Builds resilience

  • Improves performance / productivity

  • Enhances creativity (encourages divergent thinking)

  • Improves work relationships (as we become less judgemental and more

    compassionate), hence team work improves together with communication

  • Improves focus and concentration on the task in hand

  • Improved ability to hold information and process it

  • Improves decision making abilities

  • More disciplined and motivated to achieve goals and deadlines

  • Can be part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy of the company

  • Brings more positivity into the working environment

  • Improves the general wellbeing of employees … thus a happier workforce, less


  • Happier workforce means happier customers and organisational success!

  • Empowers your Employees with a life changing ‘tool and resource’ so that they

    can release the feeling of being stressed and overwhelmed due to the uncertainty and fears brought about with the ‘Covid 19’ pandemic

The session was very exhilarating and benefiting to all aspects of life. Your session was inspiring and I look forward to apply it to my life on a daily basis.   It would be ideal if such subjects were incorporated in the secondary schools as it would help our children equip themselves with these soft skills to cope much better with the ever challenging life which they are being faced with.

Cynthia Debono Mizzi - Azure Bay Holidays

How do I do this?


I help organisations who want to have improved employee performance, better work relationships, and fulfilled employees with mindfulness programmes tailored to the needs of the organisation. I teach employees various mindfulness practices that help them manage their stress and overwhelm  which in turn will improve performance and behaviour at the workplace. 

Besides, employees become happier and more fulfilled. Happier employees means happier customers, happier organisations and happier societies. 

Hereunder, I share my workshops and programmes. These workshops can be adjusted to suit the individual needs of the organisation and its employees.

I also deliver introductory / taster mindfulness workshops that run for 1.5 or 2 hours. These  taster workshops are an excellent way to introduce both the  practice of mindfulness at the workplace to leaders, managers and teams. These workshops can be a part of a team-building day, or as stand-alone training. They help you, as an employer,  discover whether mindfulness is something your organisation wants to explore further as part of employee wellbeing programmes.

I have delivered different mindfulness workshops to various organisations such as University of Malta, I-gaming, tourism, telecom, and also the voluntary sector. 

For more information, please get in touch on so we can discuss further how mindfulness can be of support to your organisation

"Freedom from Stress" Mindfulness Workshops

The “Freedom from Stress” Mindfulness workshops have been designed with flexibility in mind. They will be adjusted according to the individual needs of the organisation and its employees. There are 2 options, either to have 1 workshop or else to have 2 workshops. Both are 3 hours each, however they can be further split into 2 sessions each. They can be delivered face to face or online. 

By attending these workshops your employees will be:

  • Empowered with tools, techniques and resources to help them move from ‘stress, overwhelm and negativity’ to more ‘positivity, calm, and focus’

  • In a better position to understand what is really going on with them. Once they become more self aware, they can apply the empowering tools and resources to let go of stress, negativity and overwhelm

  • Motivated to have a more positive perspective on life, remain focused and feel happier.

More positive, calmer and happier employees are more focused, better performers and also better communicators. 

Participants will receive a workbook / journal and audio files to support them in becoming more mindful. 

6 Week Mindfulness Programme

The 6 week programme is accredited by the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.  This course involves visual and experiential activities including video clips, guided mindfulness practice, emotional awareness, stress reduction techniques, emotional regulation, and movement. Again, course can be delivered face to face or online.

At the end of the course participants will have the skills to know how to:

  • Improve attention and concentration
  • Limit the effects of work related stress and staff focused and calm when exposed to challenging and unpredictable situations.
  • Increase mental and physical energy
  • Be more engaged in their work activities
  • Work skilfully with unhelpful habits of mind (such as distraction, procrastination) 
  • Respond to difficult cognitive and emotional states such as low mood, worry and low self esteem through cultivating stability of mind and non judgemental attitude

Participants will receive a daily home journal (in which they are encouraged to record their daily practice)  and audio files for home practice, weekly handouts and copy of power point slides. Those who commit to the daily practice during the course, will find out that following the course they have embedded mindfulness as part of their life at work and home. 

Mindfulness and Therapeutic Arts Masterclass
to Boost Creativity, Focus and Performance

This is a collaboration between Expert Mindfulness Teacher Catherine Galea and Therapeutic Arts Coach & Artist Ance Gricmane.

This is a transformative Workplace Wellness Masterclass that brings together the expertise of 2 individuals specialising in wellness, mindset, creativity, and psychology.

This unique collaboration will support your employees in maintaining their wellbeing,  a positive attitude and work culture so that  your organisation will grow, stand out from the crowd and achieve improved results. 

Learn  more about this Workplace Wellness Masterclass here 


“Thank you for allowing me your time and sharing the knowledge - I felt the mindfulness workshop was a great reminder of what we should never forget of - ourselves and how we affect the world. I only wish the course was longer, more in-depth, as I believe it can be even more beneficial.”

Anna Jablonska - Tourism Sector

Would you like to know more on how mindfulness can support your employees wellbeing?

Let’s have a chat, to see if mindfulness is the right fit for your organisation.

Case studies for Mindfulness at the Workplace

Google offers classes and online resources for all staff. There are daily practice sessions in 64 offices around the world and day-long meditation retreats in five locations. It has embedded mindfulness in various forms, for example in meetings. Initial findings show that keeping people engaged in doing the mindfulness practice is challenging but that people who persist show increased wellbeing, focus and lowered stress. 

More case studies at

"Restore your attention or bring it to a new level by dramatically slowing down whatever you’re doing." – Sharon Salzberg

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