self awareness
Mindfulness for Adults
“The best way to capture moments is to pay attention. This is how we cultivate mindfulness.” - Jon Kabat Zinn
At the moment .....
- You are reaching a burnout
- You are suffering from stress and anxiety
- You are feeling out of balance and not centred
- You feel that your performance is lower than what your potential is
- You lack focus or concentration, it seems you cannot pay attention to whatever you are doing
- You might be feeling that you lack the self discipline necessary to achieve your goals, or maybe you procrastinate to do good things
- Communication is something that you struggle with, you feel you are misunderstood or you are not listened to, or maybe you feel you do not say the right words so it creates tension in your relationships
- You realise that you need to take care more of yourself
- You feel emotionally all over the place, and it is hard to regulate your emotions
- You are mentally drained, or you feel like you have brain fog
- You suffer from chronic pain conditions
- You are an emotional eater, and have negative eating habits or patterns
- You would like to become more self aware, understand yourself more
- You are facing a challenging moment in your life and feel that everything is collapsing
- You are feeling a sense of unhappiness
- Or simply no matter how much you try to pause there seems to be no time as you are too busy doing, planning, running around!
Then the 'Transform Your Life' - A Programme to CALM YOUR MIND AND AWAKEN YOUR LIFE is for you
The programme I facilitate can be delivered in a group setting or else as a tailored 1-1 coaching programme is accredited by the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.
It is research based, designed to help you restore your balance, reclaim your happiness and live a purposeful life. It will help you to achieve freedom from stress and overwhelm through cultivating self awareness, encouraging you to practice self care and self compassion and building positive mind habits.
You will become more mindful as a way of life as you start paying attention to each and every moment in your life without judgement and with self compassion. You will become more connected to yourself, others and the world. You will become more present and awake to life.
As you practice the attitudes of mindfulness in your daily life, you feel free, more balanced and happier. Life becomes more meaningful and purposeful. If you would like to know more about the attitudes of mindfulness, read my blog article.
Benefits of Mindfulness for Adults

Mindfulness wil help you to:
- Remain calm and peaceful amidst stressful situations
- Build resilience
- Regulate your emotions as you become more self aware
- Reduce anxiety, feel less worried and less stressed
- Release yourself from old negative habits if you choose so
- Enhances creativity as you are encouraged to divergent thinking
- Improve relationships (personal, romantic, parental and work relationships) as you become less judgemental and more compassionate
- Improve performance as ability to hold information and process it gets better
- Improve focus and concentration on the task in hand
- Improve decision making abilities
- Become more disciplined and motivated to achieve your goals
- Start practising the art of eating mindfully
- Improves the general wellbeing as mindfulness encourages self care and self awareness
- Accept yourself as you are, and also accept your life situations
- Feel more in balance and happier
“Catherine Galea has captured the essence of mindfulness. During the course work she provides a marvellous and original perspective with scientifically proven evidence on how mindfulness is an exceptionally powerful tool that enables the learner to adopt a new mindset lasting impact on the self-management of tension, strain, pressure and worries.”
'Transform Your Life - Calm Your Mind and Awaken Your Life ' - 6 week Mindfulness Group Programme

This course is interactive and experiential including video clips, guidance on meditation, emotional awareness, stress reduction techniques, emotional regulation, and movement plus much more. Participants will complete a pre and post course evaluation form. You will also be invited to a closed Facebook group whereby we can continue sharing our experiences / questions outside the classroom.
The course is a 6 week live or online programme but there is also pre-course reading/viewing prior to the course. The 6 weekly sessions last approximately 2 hours. Participants will be sent some pre-course material, introducing them to Mindfulness and some suggested reading to enhance your learning.
This course is a life investment as you will learn skills to support you in the ups and downs of life, you will learn to manage your own life in a more positive manner and appreciate more the beauty of life. MINDFULNESS IS A SIMPLE BUT VERY POWERFUL TOOL THAT EMPOWERS YOU TO BE HAPPY!
This mindfulness course is not therapy, however it combines mindfulness meditation with cognitive therapy so it makes it a very effective programme for managing depression and anxiety in conjunction with other treatments. Course is also accredited by the EFT and Mindfulness Centre.
Certification: Participants who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Attendance from the EFT & Mindfulness Centre.
Accreditation: Following certificate of attendance you can proceed in obtaining Accredited Mindfulness Practitioner status with the accredited EFT & Mindfulness Centre. Following this, you have the option to progress onto the Trainer for Adults or in Education.
For date and time of these courses please look under the Events Section or contact me by email on
Please feel free to contact me to know more about the programme content.
1-1 Mindfulness Coaching
1-1 Mindfulness Coaching is designed for busy people who might find it challenging to attend group sessions on a regular basis due to time constraints or other commitments. Whilst covering all the 6 week course material, they are more flexible in approach, time and skills wise so that the individual feels empowered to develop a sustainable mindfulness practice and skills that he/she can implement into their specific day to day life. In view that they are individual, the coaching sessions will be personalised to our own needs.
Mindfulness encourages a sense of openness, curiosity and reflection, and enables one to explore ways of stepping beyond the limitations of set beliefs, and habitual unhelpful behaviour patterns. The coaching and teaching is offered from a place of embodied presence and awareness offering a greater opportunity for transformation.
The insight gained during the sessions opens new avenues into creative ways of working with life changes . When the mind is allowed to settle, calm down and becomes present, a new solution will often emerge which is both more skilful and effective than forcing and pushing things through.
I recommend 6 sessions (60-75 mins each) spread over a period of 6 weeks to 12 weeks.
I also offer 1-1 mindfulness coaching sessions designed specifically for you to tackle a specific problem you are facing. This is suitable for anyone who wants to learn mindfulness as a way to manage anxiety, stress and overwhelm.
Mindful Eating Workshops

- Have you tried all the diets in the world but you cannot sustain them and stick to them?
- Are you a yo-yo dieter? Or maybe you are overweight, always on a diet but you never seem to loose weight or you loose weight but you quickly regain it?
- Does food control your life? Or maybe do you have a love hate relationship with food?
- Do you eat but then you are filled with guilt or shame and you hate yourself for the food you have eaten?
If you would like to transform your current circumstances, I invite you to experience mindfulness through this mindful eating workshop. This is a workshop of self discovery, self awareness, understanding of our eating habits and our relation with food and more importantly with our body.
This Mindful Eating workshop is an experiential and interactive workshop. It will include videos, discussion, reflections, practices and exercises. Following participation you will receive mindfulness practice audios, copy of the workshop slides and a mini workbook to support you in your personal journey.
For date and time of these courses please look under the Events Section or contact me by email on
This workshop has been delivered by myself as an expert of the Weight Matters Project ( that aims in supporting many to loose / manage weight loss in a holistic way. The participants have found the workshop very insightful and has given them a different perspective on life not just on food. Loosing weight requires a positive mindset and a positive relationship with self.
Mindful eating doesn’t involve any dieting or restricting any food types. With mindfulness, you eat whatever you want. You learn to stop eating when your taste buds tell you the taste is no longer as good. When you are mindful, you notice how the chocolate or chips don’t actually taste as good after the third or fourth bite.
In my blog article, I share how mindful eating can support you in managing your weight in a healthy manner.
Catherine is a wonderful warm-hearted woman who radiates an inner peace and gives the energy to overcome everyday life, especially in the hard times. We were neighbours, attended the same networking events as well as I had the opportunity to send my children to the Mindfulness course. Not only my children had the opportunity to join her 6 weeks mindfulness course, even I had the opportunity to enjoy it and grow in a group or 1 to 1 training. Taking her course, was worth it. It gave me a lot of strength, it showed me ways to cope in the dark days and how to be mindful in every situation. She is a women that loves to empower and is highly recommended. I am happy to cooperate with her in my new Project Kids In Malta and can't wait to create amazing courses for kids in Malta.