
Autumn Equinox Celebration with Chakradance

“The season for enjoying the fullness of life - partaking of the harvest, sharing the harvest with others, and reinvesting and saving portions of the harvest for yet another season of growth.” - Denis Waitley

Date: Monday, 20th September @ 18:00 EEST

Location: Sandy Beach, Lemba, Paphos, Cyprus

Let’s celebrate Equinox, the arrival of Autumn / Fall, by dancing from the inside out!

The September Equinox has been associated and celebrated by many cultures as a time to go inwards, to celebrate and honour the harvest. We also celebrate Oneness, equality and balance as the day and night are equal. These cultures used to dance to celebrate all life cycles, as a means of connecting to their own rhythm and the rhythm of the Earth and Universe. So why don’t we all dance together to celebrate the shift of the season.

The word “equinox” comes from Latin and means “equal night”. The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life in nature, and within this cycle many ancient cultures perceived a powerful deeper message. As we link our awareness to nature’s cycles, our understanding of our own rhythmic life begins to deepen.

This is the time of year to go within,  empty out and declutter space, composting our old ideas and using the energy they hold to make new soil for new ideas and matured visions. As we become silent and rest we are allowing space for our greater vision to emerge. 

As the days get shorter and the nights grow longer, we descend into the darkness of the night and face our own inner darkness, to prepare for the birth of the Light within, celebrated at the winter solstice.

Chakradance is a marvellous way to  go within, a journey inwards and make a connection with our own internal rhythm, hear what it has to say and discover the freedom that Chakradance brings along. Let’s let go of what does not serve us, make space for our greater vision together through Chakradance. 

Chakradance™ is a dance practice for mind body and soul. . As you dance each part of yourself you will free the energies in your body and feel more alive and energised at the same time experience a sense of wellbeing. You will be guided into a dynamic dance journey through your own chakras. From tribal, sensual, pulsing, exhilarating, to ethereal, trance and spiritual. You will enter into a journey of spontaneous dance, music pulsing to the energy of each chakra, guided imagery, spontaneous mandala art drawing and meditation. We dance with our eyes closed or a lowered gaze in a candle lit room. You can dance like no one is watching!

My recommendation is that you enter the dance with curiosity and with a smile but without any expectations and with the intention to have fun, cut loose and let the dance guide you to the dance that is uniquely yours … a reflection of whom you truly are!!

We will start this Equinox celebration by a little ritual of gratitude for our own Harvest and letting go exercise. After this we will move on to the dance of the 7 chakras, mandala art drawing, meditation and sharing.

This is a safe sacred space where we come together united, equal and we support each other on or journey of life!

– Please be on site few minutes before 6pm
– Wear comfortable clothes and if possible wear colours that represent Autumn, ex. hues of reds, orange, brown, golden (colours of falling leaves)

– Bring lots of water and if possible a torch just in case
– Bring a cushion
– an item symbolic of your harvest to place at the altar

-an item that you are ready to let go of (eg. a broken item that you can throw away but you have been holding to)

– Bring some snacks / nibbles / drink to share afterwards .. we will make it a complete celebration together

I attended several times the Chakradance including the solstice celebration with the amazing Mentor Catherine. I really enjoy Chakradance because it’s full of positive vibes and energy it’s cleanses the negativity and it opens the way to connect with our Higher Self. I feel lighter, happier and more open to the Divine Blessings. Catherine is a pure soul and she spreads the love and positive energy through her facilitation of the dance. She is simply awesome and a very Spiritual awakened Being. It’s an honour for me and I am grateful to be a part of her life. I feel blessed when I join Chakradance with Catherine, not just, but also any kind of mentoring by Catherine.

Georgia Demetriou, Property Management Administrator​

Pre-booking is required as space is limited. 

Fee for this event: Eur 10.00 per person

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