Empowerment Coaching

“Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” -Timothy Gallwey

Does this feel like you right now?

You are feeling stuck, you feel like you cannot move forward, something is holding you back

You are feeling lost, not sure what you are supposed to do with your life

You are feeling disconnected from life, or even worse from yourself 

You know that you are holding limiting beliefs, such as ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not attractive’, etc, so you are holding yourself back from your dreams

You are feeling out of balance, maybe even reaching a burnout

You have no boundaries, and this most of the times leaves you overwhelmed

You are your own worst critic, and you are struggling to love and accept yourself, you do not like who you are

You are unhappy, maybe wondering ‘what is the meaning of life?’

You are stressed and overwhelmed most of the times

You are facing a challenging moment in your life and feel that everything is collapsing (relationship ending, loosing your job, health issues) .. you are going through a dark night of the soul …

I can help you to change all this, I can help you to:

  • Discover what is really holding you back, so that you can get unstuck and get started on your ideas, goals  and dreams 
  • Become self aware so that you can understand who you really are, what you stand for, and what is truly important for you 
  • Connect within so that you can feel more fully engaged with life 
  • Transform your limiting beliefs, heal the past so that you can start moving towards the direction of your dreams 
  • Restore balance into your life so that you are more grounded, centred and calm
  • Become more self compassionate, start loving and accepting yourself right now
  • Discover Purpose to be truly happy and fulfilled, and you can lead a meaningful life
  • Reclaim Your Happiness 
  • Make inspirational vision and goals, so that you can follow through your action plan for them to happen!
  • Bring more clarity in your life 
  • Personalised tools and resources that empower you and free you from stress and overwhelm

“The purpose of our lives is to be happy” - Dalai Lama

How do I work as a Coach?


I will support you with an honest journey that nurtures you and challenges you to transform your life to one of meaning, purpose and happiness.

I will support you  to bridge from where you are now to where you want to be (even if you think you don’t know where you want to be)  so that you can restore your balance, reclaim your happiness and be free from stress and overwhelm. 

My Coaching is personal and is tailored to your unique needs and situation. My coaching style as an Empowerment Coach  includes a blending of coaching, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Mindfulness, Chakra work, Reiki, Chakradance and intuition. Always as appropriate to each individual and what you are comfortable to work with. 

I will hold a safe space so that we can explore all of your life with compassion and  without any judgement. You will embark on a transformational journey of self awareness, self discovery, self connection as you allow yourself to become who you truly are. You will fall in love once again with yourself. 

You will empower yourself with personalised tools and resources to restore your balance, reclaim your Happiness and live a meaningful life. 

You can read more about me here.

Catherine is a beautiful human being. She has gone through a lot in her life and thanks to that she has gone deeply into the process of self-awareness and self-discovery. This is why if you attend her training sessions, her events or even only if you have a conversation with her, that will take you to another level: she really helps you to connect with your deep self and to connect to your feminine side without fears because she is there to support you, because she knows what you are going through, because even if it is hard she will be there with you, smiling and ready to hold you. Catherine was really able to guide me and support me over my fears and to reconnect with my deep self. I definitely recommend Catherine if you are ready for the next level in your life.

Vivianna Premazzi - Founder of Global Mindset Development


If you are living a busy demanding life filled with stress and overwhelm, then you want to learn more about this coaching programme

Unlock Your Purpose

 If you want to gain clarity on what your purpose is, what is the work that you are meant to do to serve humanity, whilst you personally become happier, fulfilled and successful, then you want to learn more about this coaching programme 


Transform and Reclaim Your Life

If you are feeling unhappy, stuck, even hurt with life , then you want to know more about this healing and transformational coaching programme. 


Clarity Sessions

These are one off sessions of 2 hours whereby we focus on one particular issue. 

I highly recommend a clarity session if you know what you want however you feel stuck or something is holding you back. 

This is also ideal if you are facing a stressful and overwhelming situation and you are not sure how to deal with it.  

Many clients have this type of session when facing a very important decision and feel they need guidance. 

As the name suggests, you will finish the session with clarity on that particular issue and you feel empowered to move forward. 

Sessions can be held face to face in my studio in Paphos, Cyprus or online. 

Mindfulness Coaching Sessions

These are  also  one off sessions ideal for you if you wish to become more present and aware, more engaged with life. It is also suitable for anyone who wants to learn mindfulness as a way to manage anxiety, stress and overwhelm.

For more information about mindfulness coaching please go to Mindfulness  page.

Sessions can be held face to face in my studio in Paphos, Cyprus or online. 

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Coaching Sessions

I highly recommend EFT if you suffer from anxiety, fear, stress and overwhelm. It is also suitable to transform limiting beliefs and replace them with empowering beliefs. EFT also supports weight loss and works well with addictions and pain management. 

EFT is a combination of breathwork, meditation, affirmations to calm down ourselves, the amygdala and to release negative emotions whilst we tap on the meridians. It is also known as acupuncture without needles. 

For more information about EFT please go to Healing page.

I have come to know Catherine Galea through the Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (Malta) where she came to discuss her start up. She introduced me to the subject of mindfulness and ignited an interest in me on the subject. In 2017 I was locally managing a project funded under Erasmus Plus Strategic partnerships entitled “Weight Matters: Strengths-based Coaching for Weight Literacy”. One of the subjects was to be mindfulness to help in losing weight and I engaged Catherine to give the sessions on mindfulness. The subject was so intriguing and interesting to me that although I was managing the project, I also sat throughout all the sessions. The feedback received was amazing and the participants all had wonderful positive comments with regards to Catherine’s professionalism. I highly recommend Catherine as she is able to literally change your life for the better.

Maryrose Francica - Founder of Skills Zone Malta
Would you like to know more on how my coaching programmes / sessions can transform your life and empower you!
Let’s have a chat, to see if working with me is right for you!

“Know yourself and you will win all battles. – Sun Tzu

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