Autumn Equinox Celebration with Chakradance


I am totally and utterly grateful for the coming together for the Autumn Equinox with Chakradance.

We all came in this circle for the same collective reason to dance and celebrate this time of the year, to honour the season, the harvest and change in cycles. But some of us also came to honour their own transition, change in cycle and new beginnings.

Why do we celebrate the Equinox?

Equinox and solstice, from ancient times, for our ancestors was time for a ritual. A spiritual ritual to honour Mother Earth and the Divine. Time for connection. Most of the times they used to gather at the temples, aligned towards the sunrise on these auspicious days. 

Our ancestors used to gather on these days to thank the fertile land, the abundant Mother Earth for the bountiful harvest during the previous months. It might not be possible for us to actually visit a sacred site but we can still create our own ritual by spending sometime on our own, in meditation and reflection. So, part of our own ritual, we can give gratitude for our own harvest, the abundance in our own life, the fruits we have reaped through our work, the manifestation of our intentions, soul desires, and dreams. 

One of the important aspects of this equinox is ‘equal’ day light and night darkness. Equality brings balance. So as part of the ritual we can also reflection on ‘How can I bring more balance in my life?’. And of course, ‘Do I accept the darkness within?’ or ‘Do I try to suppress or reject it?’ Accepting both the darkness within (the things we do not like about ourselves) is key to self acceptance.  To bring harmony and restore balance in our life, it is essential that we accept a the darkness within. By doing so, we give ourselves permission to shine our light. 

As autumn kicks in, we start noticing, the reddish brown leaves dropping. Autumn is the time for ‘droppings’, time for letting go of what does not serve us any more, so that we can grow and move towards the next cycle of life. Droppings are part of the cycle of life, the rhythm of life. We see trees, allowing their leaves to fall freely without resistance, but us humans we seem to resist letting go. If we accept that letting go as part of the life cycle it will be much easier, and we can move in the next stages of life more gracefully without resistance. ‘What do I need to drop off in my life so that I can grow?’ 


Autumn Equinox Celebration with Chakradance as a way of letting go, making space for the new and restore our balance.

 It is truly beautiful that we come together from different parts of the world, with our own story. We shared some of our story and where we are right now. This openness, this acknowledgment opens our heart and consciousness to receive more clarity, insights on our so called journey of life during the dance and then during the mandala art exercise. 

We danced together but at the same time we danced our own dance. For some of us, the dance brings more awareness, understanding and insights,  for some healing, for some clarity and direction. For some us its an opportunity to reconnect and remember the power and freedom that lies within us! 

We release and let go, we make space for more clarity, direction and for what our heart and soul wants to come in! Its was an opportunity to restore our balance through working with the chakras, sound vibration (music) and movement! 


How does Chakradance work?

Chakradance supports participants to enter into a journey of spontaneous dance through the  music pulsing to the energy the chakras,  guided imagery, spontaneous mandala art drawing and meditation. We dance with our eyes closed or a lowered gaze and can dance like no one is watching! 

Chakradance is a healing dance practice which uses music especially composed to resonate with each of the 7 major chakras, to reenergise  and rebalance our chakra systems.

During the dance, I guided participants  into each dance of the 7 chakras with visualisations to help access each chakra energy. This guidance and the music helps participants to surrender to the music and find their own free movement and expression. Some see images in their minds eye, or recall memories or gain insights and clarity. Some experience feelings, emotions or physical sensations.

After the dance I guided participants in creating a mandala artwork, then we had some time for integration feedback and ended up with a meditation.

And of course we had fun and laughed together!

Chakradance with Catherine was magical. Even though I am a dancer and can easily let go of my environment and just move with the music, through Chakradance I had a deeper experience. I felt my body to be more than just physical, but also as energy connected to the earth, the sun, the moon and my soul. Dancing to the vibration of each chakra made me realise how the energy flows through my body and how I can make it flow more easily. I can say that through Chakradance, the guided meditation from Catherine and the mandala drawing after the dancing really makes you go inward and understand better yourself, your emotions and what needs to be released. Also, this is something that I believe can be done many times and each time discover something new about ourselves, our bodies and our energy. I am very greatful for meeting Catherine and attending this event, experiencing this sacred space that she creates and exploring a deeper dimension of dancing and our body’s energy. I look forward to the next Chakradance!

Veronica Nikolaidou, Professional Bellydancer

About the Location for the Autumn Equinox Celebration with Chakradance

To help us we had a magical location, Sandy Beach a space with a positive vibrant energy. We also had the sound of the waves soothing us, the magical sunset and as we were closing down the glorious full moon made its appearance! Thanks to the Sky and the Earth! 

Thanks for each one of you who joined. Each one of you made the circle and celebration special and unique. May your journey of life continue to unfold with awareness, clarity and of course fun! 

“When we consciously work with our chakras, and choose to balance their energy and optimise their programming, we can literally change our own energy.” – Natalie Southgate

If you would like to know about the next Chakradance event live or online, I suggest you subscribe to my mailing list. You can also read my blog about the Solstice Celebration with Chakradance. Also, check my Events Section

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