My story

About Me

Hi, I'm Catherine

Empowerment Coach, Mindfulness Teacher (Adults and Children), Energy Healer.

I am also a Master NLP Practitioner, Advanced EFT Practitioner, Reiki Healer, Womb Healer, Chakradance Facilitator, Inspirational Speaker and Founder of ‘Unlock Your Purpose’.

I am dedicated to helping modern busy people who are stressed out, overwhelmed and confused with life.  I am dedicated to empowering you with tools and resources that support you in REstoring your balance and REclaiming your life, your happiness. I am passionate about seeing you living an intentional, meaningful and purposeful life. 

“Give your stress wings, and let it fly away” - Terri Guillemets



I know how it feels to be stuck in a state of overwhelm, state of confusion and living full of stress day in day out. Until one day, I discovered my wings of freedom. I discovered that I can let the stress fly away! 

I lived my life just doing what I was ‘supposed’ to do. I was busy with life in a career that was good but I was not happy. I got married for the wrong reasons and I was not happy.

I felt confused, frustrated, stuck in a rut, overwhelmed and stressed out with life. I suffered from an eating disorder and endometriosis. I had a good life from the outside but not good at all from the inside. I hardly knew anything about ‘Catherine’. I did not know what makes Catherine happy! 

Mindfulness Teacher in Cyprus making yoga in nature

I guess that is why you are here. You are probably stuck in a state of overwhelm, state of confusion and living full of stress day in day out. 

In this state, you forgot yourself, your needs and desires. 

Totally out of balance. 

Maybe, also close to a burnout. 

You are disconnected from yourself. 

You are unhappy! 

You might be asking yourself ‘Am I supposed to live like this? What is the point of life?  What is the real meaning of life?’

NO, You are not supposed to live like this. THERE IS MORE MEANING TO LIFE!

“The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

You are meant to walk on this Earth, feeling alive and happy!



You can achieve freedom from stress, overwhelm, and confusion. You can restore your life balance and you can live a meaningful and happy life. 

You can be HAPPY, it is your birth right. 

I know, your question right now might be ‘HOW’? 

I can help you achieve freedom from stress. I can help you restore your balance and be happy.  As a qualified and Accredited Coach and Teacher in different modalities, I am dedicated to empowering you with tools and resources that support you on your journey of restoring your balance and reclaiming your happiness. 

I have many years experience doing this work and supported many like you on this journey. But my number 1 experience is my own journey or story of restoring my own balance, reclaiming happiness and meaning in life.

If I did it you can do it too!

I really enjoyed Catherine’s Mindfulness sessions and didn’t miss one! Very engaging and delivered in a relaxed and very calm environment. Everyone should learn from the course and apply very simple but effective mindfulness methods in their normal lives, to achieve a more balanced and happier life.

David Pike - Retired Chartered Loss Adjustor

Here is my story!

By the age of 18 I had dropped many dreams I held as a girl. As a little girl I wanted to become a ballerina, I loved dancing, but never got to go to dancing lessons. By the age of 5 years, I had participated in a schools’ drama competition and my school won. I did drama ad-hoc till the age of 12 years and I loved being on stage. Then, at secondary school it disappeared out of my life. I wanted to further my studies, did not know exactly what, at that time I thought economics is a good idea, but I wanted to start earning my own living so by the age of 17 years I dropped out of college and got a job in a life insurance company. It was the first opportunity and took it. 

I was naturally very focused and wanted to learn more, so I furthered my insurance studies and did very well. Started climbing the ladder as I got promoted, and changed few jobs to improve my salary and get better positions. Career was already successful but I was unhappy! 

By that time, I was suffering from anorexia, an eating disorder. It was ruling my life, and my weight started going down fast, actually very fast. At 31 kilos, I had been admitted to hospital. I was at a risk of loosing my life as the possibility of organs starting to give in was a reality. I was very unhappy and of course totally imbalanced as a person.  

I promised to seek psychiatric help so I was released from hospital.  I was given a cocktail of pills that sedated me so I started eating. But, I fell into a depression. I hated myself. I woke up with no reason to live and very unhappy! But somehow, through the support and love of friends and colleagues I saw through the days. 

I hated myself. I was disconnected from myself as a woman.

In the years to come, my weight fluctuated but I had some stability in my life. I was married, completed insurance studies with flying colours, had a management role in the largest insurance company in Malta. I was totally stressed out and overwhelmed (partly because of the work load), with a feeling of confusion and disconnection. The feeling of unhappiness was deep within me. 

At work, everyone liked me as I was very focused, committed, listened to everyone and was ready to help and guide anyone who needed help in anything even personal matters. This interest in people at work and my wish to achieve and learn more led me to soft skills training and later on to personal development, yoga and meditation. 

The discovery of personal development and spiritual growth took me on a journey of self discovery, self awareness, healing and transformation. I like to refer to it as a Journey to the Dark Goddess, whereby I had to meet and face my deepest fears, limiting beliefs and programmes, negative childhood experiences, feeling of abandonment and rejection and embrace and accept myself with love and compassion.

With self discovery and self awareness, I started taking care of what ‘Catherine’ really needed and desired. I started understanding what is really important in my life, what really makes me happy. I started making time for myself, my needs, my happiness. I started to live with intention and positivity. 

As time passed, I was having fun in my life, I was exploring my passions and do things that gave me joy. I spent nights on the dance floor, I started Argentinian tango and also danced waltz at Hofburg Palace, Vienna. I nearly lost my shoe in the palace!

I was an active member of Junior Chamber International (JCI) that led me to become a JCI trainer. Being a trainer on stage, reconnected me to my inner child, the joy of being on stage just like with drama. So, I also studied Training and Development with the University of Leicester. 


I took up an Accredited Life Coaching Course, Master NLP Practitioner Course, EFT Practitioner course, discovered Chakradance and Reiki. Originally, I did all this as my quest to give more to myself, to free myself from my stress and to bring happiness back into my life. Little did I know that I would end up doing this work. 

I also continue to learn so that I can be of more support. I am a Womb Healer. I am an Accredited Mindfulness Teacher for Adults in Children. In fact, I am also passionate about teaching mindfulness to children and one day I hope that schools will have it incorporated in their curriculum.

As part of my journey, this new found wisdom and understanding of self, guided me to take on a leap of faith and start help others do the same.  For the last 7 years, I have been helping people find freedom from stress and overwhelm in the different ways that is caused,  transform and heal their life from the inside out, so that they can bring back their own balance, be happy and live life with purpose and intention. 

I would love to help you do the same!
Let’s have a chat, to see if working with me is right for you!

Nothing short of a 5* Review is appropriate for Catherine and her mindfulness professional service. She helped me tremendously in 2019, when the focus of my year was to instil certain positive changes in my life. Through her expertise, knowledgable ways and above all her genuine friendship, she managed to help me tap deep into my psyche to maintain emotional balance.

Vicky Zammit - Founder of Malta Market Matters / Gifts That Matter

Something a bit more personal about me

“Don’t die with your music still inside you. Listen to your intuitive inner voice and find what passion stirs your soul. Listen to that inner voice, and don’t get to the end of your life and say, ‘What if my whole life has been wrong?’ ” – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

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